Getting rid of wrinkles: the most effective methods of skin rejuvenation

rejuvenation of the facial skin

The appearance of wrinkles never pleases women, despite the fact that this process is natural and natural. In addition, not all women will agree to try radical methods to remove wrinkles.

Looking young at any age is every woman's dream. And thanks to the achievements of modern science, this becomes possible. Cosmetology and plastic surgery offer a wide range of anti-aging procedures aimed at combating negative changes in the complex.

A comparable effect can be given by home care - high-quality cosmetics, massage, gymnastics. The most important thing before the procedure is to get advice from a competent specialist who will tell you if you need it in principle, if it will give a result in the fight against the most pronounced problems in your case and determine if there are anycontraindications.

Moisturizing with creams

At a young age, the skin practically does not cause problems: it is elastic, smooth and velvety due to a sufficient amount of moisture. You can maintain a normal balance in youth with the help of masks and moisturizer. They will help protect the skin from dryness and slightly delay the appearance of wrinkles. Moisturizer usually contains hyaluronic acid, a substance that can retain moisture.

Wrinkle filling

To smooth the texture of the skin, fill in wrinkles with a natural or synthetic gel. The most popular filler is hyaluronic acid. On average, the duration of this procedure is from six months to nine months, but it all depends on the filler.


This method of prolonging the charm of youth is performed using microinjections - in addition to hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin with microelements and vitamin "cocktails". The disadvantage of this procedure is the appearance of edema and sometimes pain.


The appearance of wrinkles never pleases women, despite the fact that this process is natural and natural. In addition, not all women will agree to try radical methods to remove wrinkles. Fortunately, there are more gentle methods, such as biorevitalization - a return to life. The essence of this procedure is to nourish the skin with hyaluronic acid through injections, which is much more effective than cosmetic products with its addition.

Radiesse - calcium hydroxyapatite

radiesse for skin rejuvenation

Now fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite Radiesse have become very popular. The mechanism of action is based on the skin's production of its own collagen. This material is used for volumetric or volumetric correction of the face and its validity period is up to two months. Such a correction will correct the volume of the face, which may be lost with age.

Botulinum toxin

Happy or sad moments in our lives leave an imprint in the corners of our eyes and mouths. To remove facial wrinkles, injections of botulinum toxin are used, which paralyze the facial muscles, and a person can not wrinkle for up to six months. The effect appears very quickly, so the procedure becomes very popular.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peels help rejuvenate facial skin and improve its quality. Chemical exfoliation can make a difference depending on the depth of exposure. The more aggressive the procedure, the longer the skin needs time to recover.

Laser treatments

Ablative techniques for rejuvenation are the most radical. During this procedure, the top layer of the skin is evaporated using a laser flash. Thus, the skin is restored again, but without age spots and wrinkles.